Wall decorations with colorful butterflies - __ drz __
Wall decorations with colorful butterflies - __ drz __

How to define a JavaScript function

2019-11-19 #javascript

As I always have a little trouble remembering everything and also because there is a little collection side that I like, here is a summary of the different ways that exist to define functions in JavaScript.

Through a declaration

The classic method dates back to the origins of JavaScript and simply consists of declaring the function with the keyword function.

function hello (firstname) {
  console.log(`Hello ${firstname}`);

This function has the name "hello", which makes it a named function.

Through an expression

A more modern method that highlights the fact that functions are objects like any other and can also be assigned to variables.

const hello = function (firstname) {
  console.log(`Hello ${firstname}`);

Even if this is not obvious, this function is anonymous:

  • It is created without giving it a name (just "function (...) { ... }")
  • Although it is assigned to a variable that has a name

Note: Since this is an assignment to a variable (in this case it's a function that is assigned), the command ends with a semicolon, exactly as is the case for all other assignments: const pi = 3.14;.

Through the arrow syntax

With ES6 came the new syntax "arrow" to declare functions via an expression:

  • Remove the keyword function before the list of arguments.
  • Add the symbol => after this list.
const hello = (firstname) => {
  console.log(`Hello ${firstname}`);

It's more compact and the goal is to get a cleaner code. This is why arrows functions can be further simplified:

  • Only one parameter => no need to put it in parentheses.
  • Only one line of code in the function => no need for a block "{ ... }".
  • If the function only makes a "return..." => the keyword return is useless.

In the end, the following three declarations are identical:

const hello1 = function (firstname) {
  return `Hello ${firstname}`;

const hello2 = (firstname) => {
  return `Hello ${firstname}`;

const hello3 = firstname => `Hello ${firstname}`; // (°~°)

This clean aspect is really useful for callbacks. For example, with the .map() method of tables that expects a callback function, you can get some interesting stuffs:

const test = [1, 2, 3];

function doubler (x) {
  return x * 2;
test.map(doubler);                          // [2, 4, 6]

test.map(function (x) { return x * 2; });   // [2, 4, 6]

test.map((x) => { return x * 2; });         // [2, 4, 6]

test.map(x => x * 2);                       // [2, 4, 6] Bingo!