(Wdevs) Project fundations

2004-11-02 #qc#wdevs

I directly start with a Private Assembly architecture. For that, I followed Bo Nørgaard's guide to setup an environment for DotNetNuke 2.x Module (private assembly) development. And if I make no mistake, I create a solution with currently 2 projects :

  • qc.dll : a pseudo project to reference all other PA (Bo call it DnnFramework)
  • qc.Core.dll : this project manages the portal components (portal, screens, modules...)

I need a third project to handle users, roles, identification, autorisations... and I will have a "full" engine ready to accept content.

Then I could start to add PA that will provide real content for my system : Contacts, Documents, Events, Htmltext, Image, Links...

For the core project, I begin with the DbHelper that I'm using for some times. I update it to handle MySQL too and I take time to clean and comment its source. Then I write 2 classes to handles my 2 tables and I finished with 5 class and a default.aspx webform:

  • Portals.cs : handles the qc_Portals table
  • Screens.cs : for qc_Screens table
  • Config.cs : encapsulates current portal and its screens
  • Data.cs : my own DbHelper
  • Common.cs : a general class for global functions.

Some quick notes about the code:

  • the main menu is render as a list (<ul> and <li> tags) and can be styled with css,
  • my sql code is very basic and not specialised (I don't test but it should work with Access or MSDE),
  • nothing is fixed and I can make any change.

Et voila!

Actually, I don't use temporarily the Private Assembly construction. I will start again when I would be more advanced and that I would better know the behavior with mono and MySQL.