(Wdevs) My week-end with MySQL

2004-10-25 #qc#wdevs

I choose to install MySQL 4.1.6 as there is a msi installer. And I was affraid of cygwin that seems to come with 4.0 version. MySQL-Front and SQLyorg are ok with it but ByteFX Data Provider returns an error when opening connection : "Client does not support authentication protocol requested by server; consider upgrading MySQL client".

So I consider upgrading to MySQL Connector/Net 1.0.0-beta available on mysql.com and MySqlConnection.open() is ok but MySqlParameter() is down. For a strange reason, parameter name and type are necessary when instancing a new object.

Even if I don't read the 1318 pages of pdf manual, I discover some interesting, bad and good things:

  • parameters are in the form ?param1 and not @param1,
  • no concatenation operator but a concat() function,
  • foreign keys exists but you should use InnoDB tables instead of MyISAM.

My biggest problem is MySQL Connector/Net. Since I can't access internet until monday, I don't know wheter monoForge supports it or only accepts ByteFX Data Provider.

Despite this, I create and fill my first table.

CREATE TABLE qc_portals (
    idPortal varchar(20) NOT NULL default '',
    title varchar(50) NOT NULL default '',
    shortTitle varchar(20) default NULL,
    PRIMARY KEY  (idPortal)

INSERT INTO qc_portals VALUES ('default','I am testing monoForge','myPortal');

The purpose of this table is clear. Regarding its contents, it don't use an autoincrement ID cause I prefer a more readeable id. And in fact, I plan to have only one portal in a first time. The shortTitle field is a shorter title to use with "title" tag and will be displayed in the navigator title bar.

My second table will handle each screen for a given portal. IBuySpy or DNN have "Tabs" but I don't think it's a speaking word. As ASP.NET already have a Page class, I use the term "screen".

CREATE TABLE qc_screens (
    idScreen varchar(20) NOT NULL default '',
    idPortal varchar(20) NOT NULL default '',
    title varchar(100) default NULL,
    shortTitle varchar(50) default NULL,
    order1 int(4) default NULL,
    order2 int(4) default NULL,
    order3 int(4) default NULL,
    PRIMARY KEY (idScreen),
    KEY idPortal (idPortal)

ALTER TABLE qc_screens

INSERT INTO qc_screens VALUES ('home','default','Welcome','Home',1,0,0);
INSERT INTO qc_screens VALUES ('tests','default','Tests','Tests',2,0,0);
INSERT INTO qc_screens VALUES ('admin','default','Administration','Admin',3,0,0);

In this case too I vote for a string id. Later I could use it to maintain clean urls. The shortTitle field will be used for tabs and menu options. Order1, order2 and order3 define how screens are organized.

order1  order2  order3  screen
   1       0       0    Home
   2       0       0    Tests
   2       1       0    - Tables
   2       1       1    --- Portals
   2       1       2    --- Screens
   2       2       0    - Modules
   2       3       0    - Layout

The bad new is that I will have a limit of 3 levels. But at this time, I think that should be enough. The good new is that I need only one SELECT with an ORDER BY order1, order2, order3 to read the full site map.

I already have some source code to use these two tables. It works on my PC (ASP.NET and MySQL 4.1). This evening I'll test it on monoForge and post about it.