Translation of «Oh Shit Git» in French
2020-03-03 #git
A little bit motivated by the #hacktoberfest, I had started to translate the Oh Shit, Git!?! website into French. Personally, I sometimes use it when I commit and then I realize that I forgot just a last little thing or that I made a stupid mistake in my commit message.
Katie Sylor-Miller has just validated the different translation PR of her site. It's now possible to enjoy her work translated into French, even if Git loses some of its mystery: https://ohshitgit.com/fr/.
Ça y est ! Nous aussi on peut insulter Git quand cette sale bête ne fait pas comme ce qu'on voudrait : https://t.co/niQr79oBuP. Merci @ohshitgit et @ksylor :)
— michel (@ms_michel) February 28, 2020
For the catchphrase, I had some difficulties to choose between "Oh m...de" and "Et m...de". I finally used the second version, which seems a little less rude and brings a touch of fatalism. A sentiment confirmed by a colleague from Bretagne (hence a sailor) who found the perfect illustration of what you feel when the unexpected happens:
To be complete, I cannot advise you too much to follow the presentation Katie made for the JAMstack_conf_sf 2019 conference. She explains why and how she made her site evolve. Initially, it was a simple html file that she migrated quite easily to eleventy (11ty), a static site generator developed in JavaScript : Migrating to JAMstack and OhShitGit!
Version en français : Traduction de «Oh Shit Git» en français.