(Wdevs) An image box
2004-11-15 #qc#wdevs
Compared to IBuySpy, I use a specific table to store information about the image rather than using the general ModuleSettings table. First, I currently don't have build a settings table. Second, this box is more an attempt to check what I need to do when creating a new box.
First, the sql scripts to:
- create table qc_Images, its primary key and the foreign key to link with qc_Boxes
- add the box type in qc_BoxTypes (INSERT INTO qc_BoxTypes ...)
- add a sample screen in qc_Screens (INSERT INTO qc_Screens ...)
- add a sample box in qc_Images for the sample screen (INSERT INTO qc_Images ...)
Second, two class to handle the table:
- Image : basic properties of an Image box (url, title, link, size...)
- ImageDB : data logic to add/query/delete within the qc_Images table
Third, a little user web control to display the content.
In the future, I will have to add a web control to edit the content. But currently I use SQL script to update my content.
For the css, I only set a pretty border when the image box is displayed in the middle column. But it should be possible to build something better with some shadows.